PhD theses:
Max Briest: in progress.
Anna-Laura Sattelberger: Topological Computation of Stokes Data of Weighted Projective Lines
(2019). Joint supervision with Marco Hien.
Master/Diploma theses:
Stefan Kratschmar: in progress.
Simon Vortkamp: in progress.
Christian Groß: Algebraische Stacks
Runako Williams: Geometric invariant theory and moduli
(2014). Joint supervision with Lothar Goettsche.
Bachelor theses:
Mustafa Er: Universal enveloping algebras and the PBW theorem
Marc Haltmayer: Complex Manifolds and Dolbeault Cohomology
Daniel Sölch: Konstruktion und grundlegende Eigenschaften torischer Varietäten
Michael Struwe: Quantum cohomology of Grassmannians and cyclotomic fields
Bernhard Glauber: Exceptional Collections and the Derived Category of the Projective Space